Tag Archives: ATON-RA



To begin to understand this complicated subject, we can start with what is mentioned in this WIKI article.

The Lunar-related regional CHN or KHN Name of the Supreme Lord YAHU-SM/N YAHUSOMA (Egyptian IAH, Sumerian EA, Vedic-Vaishnava YA, AH, AS, VAS, VISH, USH etc.) was cognate with the Chandra of the East. The words Candle and CHANDRA are linguistically related or ‘cognates’. As the Golden Sun HARI lights up the external world of the Day, the White or Silver Moon lights up the otherwise dark Night and the Internal World of the Mind. Thus BLYAHU-SM/N (BALADEVA VASUDEVA as SOMA) is both the Lord who Lights up the Dark Night of the external World, and He is also the Lord who Enlightens the Internal Mind and Soul-Self of Humanity. In this capacity He is the Original and only Internal Enlightener and Spiritual Master of Humanity. It is He Who gives us Internal Vision and Wisdom, behind our eyelids, inside of our minds where the light of the Sun cannot shine! He is thus the Lord of memory and imagination, of reason and of all mental processes.

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